Friday 21 April 2017

Documentary Research - Webpages

This is a really usefull webpage on Parkinsons and like the other webpages there are many facts that I would like to include. I have many facts that I would like to include in my Documentary and I think it would be wise to narrow some of the down

Documentary Research - Webpages

This webpage has 10 facts which are on Parkinsons and some of them are interesting that I want to now inculde them into my Documentary

Documentary Research - Webpages

This webpage has many facts on Parkinsons and that is a theme in which I would like to focus on more.

Documentary Research - Webpages

This is another webpage that I looked at for facts on illness' in older people and there are some really interesting facts that I want to combine into my Documentary.

Documentary Research - Webpages

This webpage has many facts about illness' in older people and some of the facts are one which i think I could include into my Documentary.