Friday 30 June 2017

Tv Advert Evaluation

The brief we had was to rebrand an existing Unilever product to a new target audience. We chose to rebrand Pot Noodles for rich people because they aren't a normal combination and we thought we could do a lot with the ideas. We all used ideas from our own plan to create one big project. Instead of rebranding the TV advert to a new target audience we chose to rebrand it to a different type of audience. We chose to use a green screen for this piece as we wanted to explore many different styles and backgrounds which we can't have in real life. We all worked really well together  so the filming got done really quickly. We focused a lot of our time on editing because we were using a green screen and there were a few bumps in the road with the editing because we couldn't get certain bits to go right. There is a scene with the tray where you can see right through it because of the editing but it is for only a second which means it isn't as visable as we thought. Our advert follows a butler making the Pot Noodle for his "Master". It then goes on to the "Master" talking about his hobbies and things he likes. He then wolfs down the Pot Noodle to show that even rich people can be messy. I think that it all worked out really well in the end because the advert looks really effective.

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