Tuesday 29 November 2016

Pimp My Box - Depict - Evaluation + Video

Pimp My Box - Video and Evaluation

Our 90 second Depict video is about Box Racing, it is a re-enactment of the winners (Speedy McGuire (Bailey)) race. The video shows the competitors accident and how the Pimp My Box team fixed his box. I liked how our 90 second Depict video turned out because it is creative and there are not many dull patches. There is always something to look at and the music is very catchy. If I was to redo this assignment, I would change the music throughout it. I would want to have slower music when the competitor falls out of the box and a different style of music when we enter the Pimp My Box scene. I like how the scenes chop and change because it makes it look more intriguing and it looks more like a dramatic re-enactment. The Pre-Production paper work went really well and most of us worked really well, I felt that I had to tell the boys to work and stop getting distracted a lot and that meant that we were all getting annoyed. When filming, there was one individual who did not pull his weight and from this it was left to me and Ren to direct it all. We both worked really well together and that meant that when I was stuck or needed help, I was able to ask him. I felt that we all worked on two sides and that meant we couldn’t get enough shots or variations, like we wanted too, because we were always arguing. I feel that overall we worked well when we all sat there and did work. 

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