Tuesday 29 November 2016

Pimp My Box - Depict - Initial Ideas

Pimp my box
-          Paul, Bailey, Ren and Lizzy
-          - Box racing
-          - Two cameras
-          - Action
-          - Breaking the forth wall
-          - Camera showing the person filming
-          - Slight comedy
-          - Someone falling out of their box
-          - Standoff/stare out
-          - Voice-over
 Our main idea is that we want to have a box race with Ren and Bailey. Bailey will be a “champion” and Ren as the competitor. The story will go with Bailey giving an interview as a voice-over, Paul will be the one interviewing him. They will then go on to compete and Ren will fall out of her box and we will have a break in the fourth wall where we see Lizzy with the camera. Then we want to have a “pimp my box” scene where we fix Ren’s box and the race continues. 

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